Setting up Laravel Dusk for Laravel Sail Project with Decoupled Vue Frontend on Windows
- Laravel Sail project
- Vue project with Vite
Installation Steps
1. In your docker-compose.yml
file, add these ports to the "selenium" section:ports:
- '${FORWARD_SELENIUM_PORT:-4444}:4444'
2. Install Dusk:
sail composer require --dev laravel/dusk
3. Create Dusk test and update configuration:
sail artisan dusk:install
4. Create a test:
sail artisan dusk:make LoginTest
5. Add this test method to verify functionality:
public function testLogin(): void
$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
->type('name', 'Josh')
->type('email', '')
->type('password', 'hunter2')
->waitForText('Logged In');
Before running tests, ensure your Vue application running on Windows is accessible from within the Laravel Sail Docker container.
1. Host your Vue application with:
npm run dev -- --host
2. Create .env.dusk
file in your Laravel application root with these values:
(Replace IP address with your hosted Vue application IP address).
Running Tests
Basic test execution:
sail dusk --env=.env.dusk
To view tests running visually:
2. Visit
(default password: 'secret')Optionally, you can provide a custom PHPUnit configuration:
sail dusk --configuration phpunit.dusk.xml